Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet III

THE flourishing, and gaily-springing wight,
That vainely me prouok'd with vile reproch,
Hath \done his worst, and hath no more to broche :
Maugre the Diuell of villanous despite.
I cannot raile, what-euer cause to raile :
For Charity I louingly imbrace,
That me for Enuy odiously deface :
But in their highest rage extreamely faile.
I can doe him no harme that is in Heauen :
I can doe him no good that is in Hell :
I wish the best to his Suruiuours fell,
Deepely acquainted with his Six ; and Seauen.
     O be not like to Death, that spareth none :
     Your greenest Flower, and Peacockes taile is gone.


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